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Check out my videos.....

 Hypnosis and Cocaine.

Identify your goals & achieve them
After we help you discover what you want, we'll work together to find the very best way of achieving it. 

If Someone was taking your money, harming your body and robbing your family of their love one.....what would you do?

That is what Cocaine is doing to you, it's like a bully!

My addiction coaching can help you stop using cocaine in a matter of weeks.

In fact 95% of my clients are free from cocaine after their first session.

Free from the drug and feeling positive, healthier and focused with confidence.

It's a no brainer!

Get in touch to see if my addiction programme can help you.

Let's get you into Hypnosis......AMS

10th February 2021

Stop Smoking!

Whether you are smoking cigarettes or cannabis Hypnosis can help you to stop, and best news is that you won't get any nasty side effects it will be painless and easy.

The average age to start smoking is just 14 years old, usually at an age when you think you are grown up and ready to take on a really cool habit that you think you can stop at anytime when you get when your 25 or 30 years old! 

But the years fly by, and before you know it you've smoking for 25 or 30 years maybe more so when will it be a good time to stop?

You don't need me to tell you why you should be giving up this habit, I'm sure you already have so many reasons..

your love ones, health, money the list goes on.

So how does it work?

Firstly we have a chat first to make sure you are ready to give up smoking and that hypnosis is suitable for you.

Then get you booked in for Hypnosis, a session can last up to 2 hours during this time you will totally in control of mind and body. After the session you will be a non-smoker we will be in contact over the following days to monitor your progress.

Some clients have a follow up session to eliminate any weak moments, common weaknesses are smoking with friends or the first cigarette of the day.

I will also provide you with a short recording that you can listen to as a safety net or just to keep you on track should you have a wobble.

With Hypnosis we can also add a secondary gain, most want to eat healthier feel confident and positive.

So what are you waiting for?

Phone to book a free consultation, look forward to hearing from you.


Have  you to comthe very best solutions for your challenges!mmmm 

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